Thank you all for your support on the Crystallon project! I have received a lot of great feedback so far.
I am currently working on updates for the next release coming in the next few weeks. Here is a quick preview of the updates:
All the morphing between surfaces and meshes will now have a "t" input which allows you to use a graph mapper for non-linear divisions. I am working on getting this to work with x and y divisions on the surfaces.
The voxelize component has this for all axis, and now has an input for base plane so you can change the orientation of the voxels.
I have also received requests for an option to export lattices to nTopology. This is a powerful tool and they have created an open source file format for transferring lattice information https://github.com/nTopology/LTCX
I have created and export module and will create in import module soon.
In more exciting news, the 3MF consortium has released a beam lattice extension for the 3D Manufacturing Format. I will be working on a module for exporting beam lattice information to .3MF files soon. https://3mf.io/beam-lattice-extension/
Thank you for all the support and stay tuned for updates as they come.
- Aaron